The FinGenie Training Programme
FinGenie is introducing a training programme so that users can fully understand the dynamics of the diagnostic tool and the thinking behind it.
The Training Programme is aimed at those who own or run small to medium enterprises as well as the accountants and consultants who serve them.
The FinGenie Way
FinGenie is a simpler way to understand what your business is telling you! It helps you create a better business.
Financial statements set out the results of a business’s performance over a period of time. However, the problem is that most people struggle to understand them and are thus unable to make the changes that the business needs to improve and grow. FinGenie is designed to help business become more efficient resulting in improved profits, stronger cash flow, better asset management and increased valuations. By using FinGenie, the entrepreneur/business manager is provided with a road map for success in an uncomplicated and extremely efficient way.
This course, when combined with our software will empower the business owner, management team and accountant to properly assess, implement changes required and dramatically improve the performance of the business. The course provides the participants with all the insights and tools to understand the story their business is telling them, enabling them to create a better business!
Course Presenter
Jon Harding is a B.Com.HdipAcc. CA(SA) and has been involved in education for the last 20 years. He was the Financial Director of Educor Limited as well as of the SABJE. He has developed FinGenie as a result of his passion for education as well as for small business.
Who Should Attend
The course is aimed at those responsible for the management of small to medium businesses and their advisors being accountants or consultants. It is ideal for those who report on the performance of the business and who are able to motivate and promote change. Anyone who is involved in the management of the business, including those who sit on the Board, will benefit from a greater understanding of the numbers and the need to address those weaknesses highlighted by Fingenie using a simple yet effective methodology.
Course Outline
Part One
- The importance of numbers and the financial statements
- The problems with Financial Statements in their current form
Part Two
- The FinGenie Way- 5 Steps
- Capture the base data
- Understanding the 5 Metrics of performance
- Profitability
- Asset Managed
- Return on Assets Managed
- Cash Flow
- Valuation
- What do the metrics tell us?
- Setting Targets
Part Three
- The 6 Drivers or Ignitors of Change
- Improving performance using the ignitors
- The Impact on performance ofyour business
- Keeping Track by assessing monthly
Part Four
- Reporting
- Making FinGenie part of your DNA
- Management Involvement
All Sections will be complemented by:
Tips and Pointers
Case Studies and examples
Questions & answers
Aerial Overview
Enter base data
Extract the 5 performance metrics
Assess the metrics and set targets
Apply the 6 drivers of change
Track progress
Benefits of Doing the Course
On completion of the course the participant will be able to:
- Understand and implement FinGenie in an effective way
- Understand the financial metrics the business is achieving
- Set new targets which are realistic and achievable
- Visually show management team the impact on performance of making positive changes
- Use the 6 levers or ignitors to make dramatic improvements to the business
- Put in place the controls, systems, follow ups necessitated by the changes
- Track the progress towards achieving the targets
- Use the visuals provided in the software to motivate the changes
- Use Fingenie as an incentive to managers to make changes, improve the business and enhance returns for shareholders
- Assure the business’s bankers or lenders by providing them with the reports which show an improved risk profile